Eng Events In Course
The Artist’s Way began as informal class notes mandated by my partner, Mark Bryan. As word of mouth spread, I began mailing out packets of materials. A peripatetic Jungian, John Giannini, spread word of the techniques wherever he lectured-seemingly everywhere. Requests for materials always followed.
Next, the creation spirituality network got word of the work, and people wrote in from Dubuque, British Columbia, Indiana. Students materialized all over the globe. “You’re am in Switzerland with the State Department. Please send me . . .” So I did. The packets expanded and the number of students expanded. Finally, as the result of some very pointed urging from Mark-“Write it all down. You can help a lot of people. It should be a book”-I began formally to assemble my thoughts. I wrote and Mark, who was by this time my co-teacher and taskmaster, told me what I had left out.
Wrote more and Mark told that what had still left out. He reminded me that you had seen plenty of miracles to support my theories and urged me to include those, too. You put on the page what I had been putting into practice for a decade. The resulting pages emerged as a blueprint for do-ityourself recovery. Like mouth”‘:to-mouth resuscitation or the Heimlich maneuver, the tools in this book are intended as lifesavers. Please use them and pass them on.
I began formally to assemble my thoughts. I wrote and Mark, who was by this time my co-teacher and taskmaster, told me what I had left out.