Tag Archives: Sustainable Fishing

Tag Archives: Sustainable Fishing

Fish Culture and Its Impact in Fisheries Across the Globe

Fish in every type of human culture is an ever-living symbol mainly because of their economic importance. In many countries, fish and the act of fishing are ever-present in folklores and mythologies. As mankind developed the ability to explore the deepest parts of the sea and discovered the many different species, they also recognized the value of fish as an inspiring source of beauty.

”The Old Man and the Sea” – A Classic Literature about Fish Culture

In the Ernest Hemmingway novel “The Old Man and the Sea” for which the American author won both the Pulitzer and Nobel Prizes for Literature, the narrative revolves around an aging Cuban fisherman’s passion for fishing and for the respect he had developed for the denizens of the sea. In the story, Santiago the main character had gone out to sea for 84 days without a catch to show every time he returned.

Determined to fight the bad luck that has beset him for months, he set sail on the 85th day determined to catch a giant marlin. Although he was able to do so with a great deal of struggle, Santiago still returned to the fishing village empty-handed. The carcass of the giant marlin that he strapped to the side of his skiff was devoured by sharks when he sailed back home.

Nonetheless, the skeleton of the 18-feet long marlin strapped to Santiago’s boat was enough to gain back the respect of the other fishermen. Although he somehow felt defeated, Santiago did not lose sleep over the experience, as the story ended with Santiago promising his young apprentice that they will fish together.

The plot is simple but it generally depicts how people in communities and even nations as a whole depend on fish and other marine creatures as sources of food, raw materials, ornaments, and recreational pleasure. So much so that overfishing and bycatch had resulted in the depletion, underpopulation, and even extinction of a number of fish species

Underscoring the Importance of Sustainable Fishing

Spanning thousands of years, mankind has imposed a great demand for fish and other creatures living in aquatic environments. Studies conducted by marine researchers revealed that such demand led to the development of technologies that allowed fishing practices to take away as much as 77 billion kilograms of marine life each year.

The findings, therefore, raised concerns that at the rate by which humans consume fish and other aquatic creatures, the collapse of natural fisheries would be imminent.

Economists, environmentalists, and conservationists agree that governments should take a more serious approach in managing fisheries by ensuring that only sustainable fishing practices be employed.

Sustainable Fishing encompasses not only the use of spears but also practices that ensure populations of fish and other aquatic life will continue to thrive in ocean and freshwater habitats.

One example of a sustainable fishing method is by making sure that specific species of fish are harvested during certain times of the year, to allow population growth. Catch and release is another sustainable fishing method but this also comes hand in hand with efforts to rid the aquatic environments of invasive species.

At present, many of us find fishing among the best recreation to reconnect with nature. And as the wilderness society encourage the younger generation to experience the traditional way of fishing, they also educate the youth about the value of sustainable fishing.

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The Art Of Fishing – Fishing Gears

Many depict fishing as an art that entails plenty of patience, perseverance, skills and the right techniques. Fishing is enjoyed by many and find the activity very relaxing as they get top enjoy the tranquility of nature as well. And anyone who wants to fish has their own distinct ways and techniques of doing things with specific fishing gears and tools.

Fishing Gears – What You Need

Prior to embarking into the art of fishing, you have to know the gears and equipment you need especially when you are a beginner. Below are some of the basic yet important gears and equipment you need to have:

Lures Such As The Top Trout Lures in the Market

Fishing lures are essentially artificial baits which are intended to copy or imitate a real fish to attract a predator. For instance, the top trout lures in the market will definitely get you an awesome catch. There are plenty to choose from. But to narrow down your search, catskillflyfishing.org provides a good review and buying guide of the top trout lures in the market to make certain you make an informed purchase.

Fishing Rod and Reel

Of course, when purchasing the top trout lures in the market, you need a reliable and durable fishing rod and reel. But the right fishing rod and reel will depend on the type of fishing you are to do. If you’re new to fishing, choose a fishing rod with a medium strength to be able to angle various types of fish as well as responsive enough to for you to feel the bite of your fish so you could immediately reel it in.

Your fishing reel which is attached to the fishing rod. This helps you to coil your fishing line to pull in your catch. Reels are lightweight and easy to handle. Spinning reels are very versatile since they’re great for fishing at the pier, the shore, or on a boat.

Fishing Line

Usually, your reel may come with a roll of fishing line, but when going fishing, make certain to bring extras. It is natural for a fishing line to break when bitten by a very strong fish or get tangled when it gets caught on logs. There are variety of fishing lines with various weights and strengths. Again, the line you need will depend on the type of fish you are catching as well as the condition of the environment where you are fishing. look into the visibility, elasticity, castability and strength of the fishing line.

Fishing Hooks

Fishing hooks come in different types and sizes. These hooks poke the mouth of the fish as they nibble on the bait. Sometimes, it gets hooked on the body of the fish. Either way, this allows you to draw in your catch without it getting away.

Fishing Bait

This is what you attach onto the end of your fishing line to lure in fish. Although there’re artificial baits such as the top trout lures in the market, a live bait is usually the best option. But do to remember that various types of fish are drawn to different kinds of food.


Bobbers, also called floaters, help your bait stay nearer the surface as well as alert you when a fish has taken your bait. When a fish bites on the bait, the boober will sink in a bit signaling you to reel in your catch. Bobbers come in different types but opt for smaller ones that floats but responds quickly when you have a catch.

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