Much like in any other industries, technology changed the game in film industry. This includes how these movies are being edited, how the audience is watching them and even on the actual process of moviemaking. The truth is, some of the methods used in filmmaking are even used in creating YouTube videos and its content creators are buying cheap YouTube views to make it look credible.
Let us face the fact that technology simplified and streamlined the processes in moviemaking. Almost 5 decades ago, cameras are operated by a full crew and if they wished to get aerial shot, a camera is mounted to an aircraft which is really time-consuming. And after the scene was captured, the editing was physically done by cutting as well as pasting it together, which isn’t an entirely efficient and effective process if you’d look at it.
Dawn of New Age
These days though, new and lighter cameras have enabled clearer and crisper images. Plus, the shots that were thought impossible were now possible. If before, cameras have to be mounted physically to an aircraft, today a drone equipped with a camera can be used in capturing a scene. It can be controlled from afar while still getting awesome camera angle.
With these new innovations in technology, not just the fact that moviemakers are able to make exceptional films but also, make savings when making one.
In addition to that, with the integration of Cloud computing technology, movie editing has been easier than ever as everyone who is involved in the project can collaborate. This literally opened up new stage for moviemakers that were never anticipated before.
It’s a Win-Win for Everyone
As for the audience, it isn’t necessary to go to local theaters just to see a movie. There are streaming services that permitted viewers to watch movies wherever and whenever they feel so.
With all these things said, technology has brought the movie industry from the simple and dull black-and-white movies to high definition definitions to 4K or at times, 8K quality. With this level of picture quality, anyone who watches a movie be it in a movie house or in their home will definitely be stunned by it.